(Selections from http://www.tldm.org/news4/deathraygun.htm)
“Russia, my children, has this implement of destruction.” -Our Lady (7-25-85) I. Our Lady of Russia
Veronika, oh, I see that
Our Lady is showing me now that
there are some kind of implements they’re using…
it doesn’t look like a gun, it looks like a flashlight
but I know it's not a flashlight; it’s some object,
some kind of a ray. And now, now he’s lifting it…
I see a man in a very odd looking uniform. I don't recognize the
uniform. But he’s raising high, like this, this ray gun. That’s what
it is. It’s a ray gun. And now he’s pushing the trigger, and I see...
It looks like long streams of light, but everything it hits just
disintegrates and melts. (Veronika groans.)
II. Armor Has No Effect
Shielding is ineffective. The scalar pulse (or continuous wave) can go anywhere gravity can go. It penetrates the steel hull of tanks and armored vehicles. It penetrates underground shelters and bunkers. It penetrates pillboxes and foxholes. There is no longer any place to hide. Just shoot through the earth into them. An infantryman with a bazooka-sized scalar EM pulse can easily knock out a tank with one shot. And with the same weapon he can knock out another tank, and another, and another…
III. Death Comes Instantly
Hidden in the noses of HIND helicopters, these truly all-purpose rays
deliver instant death. The body does not decay, not even in 30 days.
Those hit by the scalar EM have a most peculiar death mode.
There is no convulsion, no response. Every living cell,
including all bacteria falls like a limp rag and
lies where it falls. Like food irradiated.
The material is preserved.
IV. The Mind of Man
Each side secretly develops new
means to employ them unexpectedly…
because the enemy, caught unawares
was for some time incapable of
effective counteraction.Brezhnev’s unheeded 1975 characterization of these weapons as “more frightening than the mind of man has ever imagined” has very real justification. There is now a “balance of terror” loose in the world that makes the old MADmen’s MAD concept look like a sunny day in Hawaii.
V. Lightning in His Hand
Stationary waves in the earth...will enable us
to…produce at will, from a sending station,
an electrical effect in any particular region
of the globe. We may send...over the earth
a wave, of electricity traveling at any rate
we desire, from the pace of a turtle up to
lightning speed.Tesla developed a method to transmit power long distances without wires. As a result, he discovered methods to create mass alterations in the weather by electricity.
He discovered the principle of the rotary magnetic field, applying it in the induction motor. His design provided the basis for the millions of electric motors now used all over the world. Many of Tesla’s achievements helped the U.S. reach its high standard of living and obtain its great productive capacity.
Nikola Tesla (1857-1943) was born in Smitjan, Lika, now part of Yugoslavia. In 1884, he came to America and worked in the Edison plant in Orange, New Jersey, and later, with Westinghouse.
Keegan’s warnings met strong objections from the Rockefeller political flunkies who control the Pentagon.
VI. Free Air
“A strange, star-like ball of light was sighted
over Petrozavodsk in Soviet Karelia, spreading over it
like a jelly fish and showering down shafts of light.”
A number of Russians witnessed the event, which was reported by the Soviet news agency Tass. A similar phenomenon was seen over neighboring Finland. Witnesses in Helsinki stated that a strange and unusual “ball of fire was visible for about four minutes.”
VI. Directives from Heaven
These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995. “You understand, My child and My children, when a man is not with his God, his god then becomes Lucifer.”
“And do not become smug, My children, and think that you will be saved. They are very powerful and cajoling.”
“Yes, My child, you have every reason to be affrighted.”
“I do not say, My children and My child, that the situation is a hundred percent hopeless. I say that each and every child upon earth is wanted back, as the man whose sheep has scattered, and he will await that one lost sheep to return. And much joy should be had over that one lost sheep than if the whole fold had returned.” (7-25-85)
One nation, Russia, My children, shall be your scourge. As they shall go across the world, ravenous in appetite, destruction as their means for enslaving the world!” (9-13-75)
VII. Red Ruse
Shortly after Veronika finished reading the articles in the daily newspaper pertaining to the demise of communism in the Soviet Union, and the subsequent birth of the new Commonwealth of Independent States, Our Lady appeared in what Veronika perceived as a message expressed in desperation:
“Do not be deceived. Their father is the father of all liars: Satan. Their master plan is in motion. Pray for the light. Minds are clouded. I repeat: it is a ruse. Wake up America or you will suffer much.”