Monday, July 28, 2008

The Glory of Love

Aside from ace records by Spiritualized and Bonnie "Prince" Billy, there hasn't been all that much to listen to--until now at least. The newest from Stereolab is due out next month, and Primal Scream's tenth full-length is released tomorrow. I'll be forking some cash over to my local, friendly record store clerk very, very soon. Sizzle!

- Chemical Chords - [4AD]

Primal Scream - Beautiful Future - [Warner Bros.]

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Prolific Mother Thanks God

ABBOTSFORD, British Columbia - A woman has given birth to her 18th child in British Columbia, making her the province's most prolific mother in 20 years.

Proud dad Alexandru Ionce said Saturday that his 44-year-old wife, Livia, gave birth on Tuesday. Their daughter Abigail weighed in at 7 pounds, 12 ounces.

"We never planned how many children to have. We just let God guide our lives, you know, because we strongly believe life comes from God and that's the reason we did not stop the life," said Alexandru Ionce.

The couple immigrated to Canada from Romania in 1990 and now lives in Abbotsford, British Columbia. Their 17 other children range in age from 20 months to 23 years old.

Ionce said he did not know if the couple would have more children. The family now has 10 girls and eight boys.

"We would have liked a boy to be even," he said. "We thank God all of them are healthy and happy."

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

framework: hull

soda fountain dry
iron lawn chairs
meld our myths

practice hiding life
alternatives to cures
massacre mind sects

buzzard's ear missing
attempts country song
weak bills fly

before the mast
plastic knives spar
erect sliding scales

fishing boat skeleton
baby penguin chest
hunger tread tire

Wednesday, July 09, 2008


Poems have appeared or are forthcoming in tequila in a tea cup, Galvanized tub fires, midnight explosions, the spitting of dregs, Dreamweaver and basket cases, rhythmic screams in Prospect Park, bygones and bulwarks, the chandelier in the basement, the dollar bill on the counter, shots at the missing sun, the bouncing of sonic waves, your thumb on my wet glass, the stirring and the gathering, the stack of MGD bottles, the pool of urine and Jack, the daily double, the steel around her finger, the hyperlinks in the fence, the ocean classroom, dove semen, shampoo and conditioner, the cannibal and the quartet, the slate of the ear, the fat cross nestled in cleavage, where she lives with her dog and two cats, among others.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Black Dog

Here's an interesting piece by Joan Larkin that Sarah just forwarded to me.

Where are all those fabulous fireworks photos? The memory is already fading...