Monday, June 08, 2009
Friday, June 05, 2009
D'oh! Nuts! Donuts.

What's better than a sweet ring of fried dough? A free sweet ring of fried dough. That's right, folks, step on up to your local donut shop counter today! It's National Doughnut Day! My fav donut shop is in Manhattan on 14th St and 7th or 8th Ave. - never know which Ave. 'cuz it's always a late, intoxicated night. But inebriated or not, I know a good doughnut when I sink my teeth into one. Here it is: The Donut Pub. Go there. Krispy Kreme is giving them away today, no catch! At Dunkin', you gotta buy their world-famous coffee (whatev - consistency or otherwise, cardboard is cardboard).
This delicious holiday was officially established in 1938 by the Chicago Salvation army to raise funds during the Great Depression. During World War I, Salvation Army female volunteers known as "lassies" were on the front lines frying up doughnuts and other home-style treats for soldiers serving in France. Lt. Colonel Helen Purviance became the Salvation Army's "first doughnut girl" in 1917. So celebrate her today. Perhaps you'll be asked to donate to the Salvation Army or another needy cause. Perhaps you'll think about war and depression, and the sweet little things we do to overcome—as you down some warm dough. (Remember, the hole is not for show. It helps the doughnuts cook evenly.)
D'oh-nut facts:
Which country consumes the most doughnuts? Blame Canada. Our neighbors to the north boast more donut shops per capita than any other country. Americans consume only 10 billion of the fried rings annually.
In Italy, the donut is called fritole. In France, beignet. In Mexico, churro. Germany, krapfen. In Montenegro, ustipci. In Turkey, lokma. In India, balushai. In the Netherlands, oliebollen. In Hungary, langos.
In the U.S., all the cops in the donut shop say way oh way oh way oh way ohhhh...