Saturday, December 16, 2006

beer, bier, ber before liquer...(a vegas sendoff)

delerium tremins yes
me leffe please the
belgian blonde one
golden chouffe triple
fermented abbey bless
you tiny teeny martini
ginny dirty tootsie
roll milky vanillin
vodka jewels jews olive
juice top martini talks
girty ditty shelf
best bottom sex
ever clear image
of motel 6 sink or chair or
goat cheese crunchy
water salad with straw?
body size bigger is
gay? or was it super 8?
is better walking
jealousy subjects
of night talks water?
platform moves home
is so far away here it is
so hot sleeping in all
my emperors clothing
his hand me down tie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Vegas sends its regards.