Monday, August 11, 2008

Boy Chucker

Adventures in American Capitalism presents...Things I Bought Yesterday:

1 copy of the Daily News: 50 cents
1 packet of extra-strength Excedrin: 75 cents

Total expenditures for Monday, August 11, 2008: $1.25


Call me a romantic, a traditionalist, even a fool if you'd like, but I prefer my Morrissey songs to be full of melody, grandiose and sweeping melody without shame or restraint. And as much as I enjoy the pulverizing bass of Morrissey's new single, All You Need is Me, his best work--both as a solo musician and with the Smiths--has always taken advantage of pop music's jingle-jangle sensibility and love for restlessness that only melody can provide.

To be fair, though, Morrissey's most recent records have corrected some of the missteps that the singer took in the 90's (Southpaw Grammar, anyone?), which means that there is much delight to be had in tracks like "First of the Gang to Die" and "Irish Blood, English Heart." (The latter also relies upon rock'n'roll bombast.)


Don't you just hate it when things are just so painfully obvious? To wit:

To treat cyanide poisoning, use nitrites to oxidize hemoglobin methemoglobin, which binds cyanide, allowing cytochrome oxidase to function. Use thiosulfate to bind this cyanide, forming thiocyanate, which is renally excreted.

from First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 2008


Is it to much to ask for a decent, well-playing baseball team, or at least one that plays up to the expectations of its $200 million payroll?

[D | R]


GMC said...

I should like to add the reason DR did not dish out more than a buck and a quarter yesterday was due to a certain handmade hand-packed turkey snack-pack:)

Also, did you forget to wear your glasses again?

No more headaches,

Anonymous said...

I would like to say the reason DR did not dish out more than a buck twenty five is because he is not a over paid poor excuse for a baseball player!