Saturday, September 15, 2007

I love Google translate this page

Linee di Florinda Fusco, from

“Like clearly enunciated sin from the frontispiece, those collections from the Fusco are `lines here', not “backs”, or “poetries” (even if the proposed tiration wants obviously to be offered like vicaria regarding such alternatives). `A line' is something of other (not “less”, even if is fuor of doubt the tone `in minor') regarding a back. But in what consists this difference? Or, said otherwise, and perhaps little better: what characterizes `a line' of the Fusco and of it it determines its same leggibilità? They said, a lot in order to express to me with a formula, the coincidence and nearly the superimposition, between `the capacity' of its development on the page (just in the sense of the amount of oral materials, of images etc that every `line' transports to the just inner) and its ritmica necessity. The prosodia, insomma, it is a category of analysis that with `the lines' works little: you notice yourself, in so far as, the nearly absolute lack of the enjambement, that is the ritmica figure that than more every other denunciation the collision between prosodiche requests and syntactic requests. For against, those turn out amplify all to you mark them (lines white women, inner spaziature to the back, paginations to step: and then also parenthesis, italics etc) that they stretch to isolate every single `line' or fragment of it like unit in sure measure self-sufficient person.” (from the famous one of Mark Berisso).

to have a north wind to two ropes (I could perhaps be raised)
I dredge in the water the shapes of I dredge in the water

the body that wheel (a grooved pleasure)

to prepare itself in the bottom of the sand/to imitate the shapes of the water

misurala as you can you remove the coat and misurala with the body

the minimum sinks to articulate
glacial states of waking and generations
to go up or to wait for to touch the field

to have the just words to mistake with the words
to try the force points
to float like the north wind

(not there is certainty in repairing
in the repair broken one is something much
of untied frozen cut I confirm
broken one is something much
I want to say that the center is various from the side
the repair is maceration)

to soil the face of black
to be based to a small table in station

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