Thursday, March 06, 2008

Rejection Guidelines

Don't blame bad timing (the "it's not you" routine
is tired). Don't invite us to send you something
else or say please try again (a video game death).
Don't say I like these but somehow they’re just
not quite there yet
(Will they ever be ready?) No,
don't thank us for thinking of you. After all,
you are too busy, too good for paper and words.
Smoke our poems instead—reduce, reuse them!
Roll them up, put your lips to them, turn them
into a high. Inhale our burning ink, fill the room
with your laughter and smoke, tap, tap
our fallen images on your ashtrays.

1 comment:

GMC said...

Very, very nice.

Interestingly, I just received a rejection from POOL.
